Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

A Day With a Molting Hermit Crab - Learn Fascinating Facts About The Hermit Crab

Molting hermit crab is when a hermit sheds off its exoskeleton and finds another shell. Molting plays a major role in their life because it is the process in order for them to grow. A hermit crab undergoes molting once a year for large crabs while small crab molts once every few months. In taking care hermit crabs, you must know the signs when it starts to molt. Prepare all the materials needed for a molting hermit crab. It is very stressful for crabs when they starts to molt so make sure to give all the care they need.

Some of the signs that we need to know about molting hermit crabs; is when your crab digs a lot. They tend to dig to have privacy because they don't want to be disturbed when they are molting. They also become lethargic and inactive. They change in colour and develop a molt sac. They usually eat and drinks a lot which is not natural for them. You will also notice some missing limbs. These are the signs that you will notice when your pet crab is starting to molt.

If ever you notice the signs in your crab, immediately isolate it in an isolation tank. It is a separate tank for your molting crabs to minimize the stress it undergoes. Make sure you have provided the basic materials it needs. Don't panic if ever your molting crab stays under the sand for hours because it really happens when it undergoes molting. Keep in mind not to disturbed your hermit crabs while molting because they want to be alone. Don't add the stress and pressure it undergoes while in this process of growing.

Molting hermit crab needs care and attention from us. Supply them with foods rich in calcium and carotene. They need calcium for their exoskeleton and carotene to maintain their colour after molting. Right after molting; let your hermit crab regain its strength for eight more weeks. As soon as your hermit crab regains its strength, you can now put them with the other crabs in your tank. Now you know all these things, prepare yourself in experiencing these things with your crab for they need you in times like this. Spend a day with your molting hermit crab.

Scott Thompson is a hermit crabs expert.

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